Tuesday 24 March 2020

Elegies from Oz and a song from the Hole in the Wa

Today three poets from Australia and a sting in the tale from the Hole in the Wa. First the Kogarah Kid, aka Clive James, foretelling his own death in his final moving collection, then two poets from Brisbane: David Malouf lamenting the death of a love affair and Jane Frank lamenting the death of the Male Northern White Rhinoceros. The whole piece is ended by a song from the Hole in the Wa lamenting life. All in all, cheery as fuck. But then as Larkin, copying Montherlant said, 'Happiness writes white'.

Pic quality a bit dream-like on this one: I put that down to something that I cannae explain. Tomorrow at least two specially commissioned (well, written already) pieces on the virus itself from two eminent Scottish poets.  Brace yourself.

If you want to know more about the three brilliant poets featured here, there are links below.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the links - especially the David Malouf & Jane Frank both new to me. Look forward to tomorrow - we need somehing cheery these days!
    Cheers Hugh!
